Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Two main Canadian police associations want ALL police officers to carry TASERS!

The CBC reports,
"Canada's two main police associations defended the use of Tasers on Tuesday, saying all officers should be equipped with stun guns because they save lives and there is no proof they have been directly responsible for civilian deaths. "We reiterate that to date, there is no evidence, either scientific or medical, that a conducted-energy weapon has been the direct cause of death anywhere, at any time, on any person," Chief Tom Kaye, vice-president of the Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police, said in a news conference in Ottawa."
The Canadian police associations are misrepresenting the reality of the dangers of tasers in this news conference. The fact is tasers KILL people!

Here's what it says about tasers on CBC News - In Depth - Tasers - Taser FAQs:
"Amnesty International says more than 290 people in North America have died after Taser shocks since 2001. In November 2007, the UN Committee Against Torture released a statement saying "use of TaserX26 weapons, provoking extreme pain, constituted a form of torture, and that in certain cases it could also cause death.""
The police associations want us to continue to use tasers until it is proven that tasers directly kill people. This is ridiculous! The onus is most certainly on those that want to use tasers to prove that tasers are safe! We can NOT allow Canadian police officers to be equipped with tasers unless it is PROVEN that tasers do not kill people and that tasers do not torture people!

Monday, February 23, 2009

The Obama administration decides to continue to violate human rights!

The BBC reports,
"Detainees being held at Bagram Air Base in Afghanistan cannot use US courts to challenge their detention, the US says. The justice department ruled that some 600 so-called enemy combatants at Bagram have no constitutional rights. Most have been arrested in Afghanistan on suspicion of waging a terrorist war against the US. The move has disappointed human rights lawyers who had hoped the Obama administration would take a different line to that of George W Bush."
It is so very shameful that the Obama administration has decided to ignore human rights, just like the Bush administration did! I am very saddened by this decision!

The 2009 Film Independent's Spirit Awards & The 81st Annual Academy Awards

(Image: Dustin Lance Black at the 2009 Film Independent's Spirit Awards)

There were three great acceptance speeches on Oscar night. One of the notable speeches was for the movie Slumdog Millionaire and two of them were for the movie Milk!

Danny Boyle gave an odd but joyous speech at the Awards ceremony:

I loved Dustin Lance Black's moving acceptance speech at the Oscars:

FYI: He also made a touching speech at the Spirit Awards but I couldn't find the video for it!

As well, I loved Sean Penn's acceptance speech:

And comparing Harvey Milk to Sean Penn (comparing the 1984 documentary to Milk and even comparing switching from archival footage to present acting in Milk), boy is it obvious that Sean Penn is such a great actor in Milk! And sadly, the struggle for human equality still continues! So keep fighting the good fight folks.