Tuesday, February 17, 2009

The state of science in Canada

CBC reported on the lack of science funding in the latest Canadian federal budget (announced on January 27, 2009). This also included a lack of new funding to Genome Canada (a not-for-profit). As a result, many of our brightest and best medical researchers will leave us and make their wonderful discoveries elsewhere! We need our best scientists to stay in Canada. And we also need to attract world-wide scientists to come to Canada to part-take in our research industries!

CBC also covered the call of scientists to end the politicization of science. They pointed to many dangerous political decisions made "including the closure of the office of the National Science Adviser, the firing of the head of the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission and what it calls "political appointments" to the board of Assisted Human Reproduction Canada."

When will Harper get it, that funding science is vital to the success of our nation? This should NOT be a partisan issue! Every political party should understand the importance of science!

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